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Tor Snowflake in Trezor Suite

Tor snowflakes are a 'pluggable' transport of Tor that helps users circumvent certain prohibitions. In order to use this feature you require a snowflake binary, which will be used by the Tor instance running in Trezor Suite. To help you get set up, please follow the instructions for your operating system below.

Tor Snowflake on Linux

1. Download Tor Expert Bundle for your system (GNU/Linux (x86_64)) from

2. Extract the file and then you can use the binary located at “/fullpath/to/extracted/tor/pluggable_transports/snowflake-client”. Don’t forget to replace “/fullpath/to/extracted” with the full path in your system.

3. Then use the path to the binary "/fullpath/to/extracted/tor/pluggable_transports/snowflake-client"


Tor Snowflake on MacOS

1. Download Tor Expert Bundle for your system (M series macOS (aarch64), Intel macOS (x86_64)) from

2. Extract the file and then you can use the binary located at “/fullpath/to/extracted/tor/pluggable_transports/snowflake-client”. Don't forget to replace “/fullpath/to/extracted” with the full path in your system.

3. Then use the path to the binary "/fullpath/to/extracted/tor/pluggable_transports/snowflake-client"

Tor Snowflake on Windows

1. Download Tor Expert Bundle for your system (Windows (x86_64)) from

2. Extract the file use the binary located at “C:\fullpath\to\extracted\tor\pluggable_transports\snowflake-client.exe”. Don’t forget to replace “C:\fullpath\to\extracted” with the full path in your system.

3. Then use the path to the binary "C:\fullpath\to\extracted\tor\pluggable_transports\snowflake-client.exe"

Configuring Trezor Suite

Once you have the path to the snowflake binary, paste it into the Tor Snowflake path configuration in Trezor Suite:

  • In the Tor section there will be Tor Snowflake Binary Path field in which you have to set "/fullpath/to/extracted/tor/pluggable_transports/snowflake-client":