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Trezor Suite update November 2021

To download and install the latest update, simply open Trezor Suite and proceed using the on-screen instructions. If you’re not yet using Trezor Suite, download it for free from

Please note that updates roll out in stages and you may not be prompted to update for several days after this announcement. Be the first to try new features by joining the Trezor Suite Early Access Program. Switch it on in Application Settings!

The November 2021 update sees largely aesthetic improvements to the Trezor Suite interface. They have been introduced to make it easier and more enjoyable to use Trezor Suite to secure and manage cryptocurrencies.

New Trezor Suite logo and appearance

  • New logo makes it easy to identify Trezor Suite among other apps installed on your personal computer
  • Color scheme used in Trezor Suite have been darkened to make the environment more accessible and easier to read. This is especially useful if you're a regular user of Trezor Suite and for colorblind users.

Improved tooltips and search

  • New informative tooltip design makes it easier to get the most out of Trezor Suite by better understanding the features that you're using. 
  • Just click on the lightbulb icon for more in-depth information about a certain feature or function.
  • You can also search for a particular feature or function within Suite Guide.
Full details of the November 2021 update can be found on the official Trezor Blog product update page.
Trezor Suite update November 2021