To download and install the latest update, simply open Trezor Suite and proceed using the on-screen instructions. If you’re not yet using Trezor Suite, download it for free from
Please note that updates roll out in stages and you may not be prompted to update for several days after this announcement. Be the first to try new features by joining the Trezor Suite
Early Access Program. Switch it on in Application Settings!
The May 2023 update of Trezor Suite to 23.5.1 brings the following improvements:
New Features
Automatic formatting of numbers when sending less than a whole coin (e.g. “.1” to “0.1”)

- Skip counting fees in day header by smart contracts made on behalf of the user
- Disable second coinjoin address until the first one is used
Bug Fixes
- Recovery with Model One clearing already provided seed words
- Coinjoin progress wheel alignment correction
- Updated misleading tooltip behaviour; 'Amounts are too small for coinjoin.’ showing when all funds are already private
- Coinjoin re-enabled after a period of unusually high on-chain fees