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Trezor Suite settings

The settings menu can be used to configure basic Trezor Suite and device (Trezor Model One, Trezor Model T, Trezor Safe 3 and Trezor Safe 5) settings once your device is set up.

  • Accessing the settings menu in Trezor Suite
  • Application settings
  • Device settings
  • Coins settings

Accessing the settings menu in Trezor Suite

To access the settings menu in Trezor Suite, click on Settings in the left-hand menu bar:

You will then be taken directly to the Settings menu, where you can readily change Application, Device, or Coins settings by switching to the relevant tab: 

Application settings

The application settings menu can be used to personalize your Trezor Suite experience.


  • Language: the default language for Trezor Suite in English, but you can also switch to the following languages:
    • Spanish
    • Czech
    • German
    • French
    • Italian
    • Brazilian Portuguese
    • Turkish
    • Hungarian (community translation)
    • Japanese (Beta) (community translation)
    • Russian (community translation)
    • Ukrainian (community translation)
    • Simplified Chinese (community translation)
  • Fiat currency: choose which currency Trezor Suite should use when representing cryptocurrency balances in fiat denominations.
  • Bitcoin units: customize how Trezor Suite displays your Bitcoin balances by choosing either Bitcoin or satoshis (you can also toggle between the two units by clicking on the balances displayed in Trezor Suite)


  • Labeling: use the switch to toggle the feature on/off. Labeling lets you rename your wallets, accounts, and addresses. Labels are applied by syncing with Dropbox or Google Drive, or can be stored locally on your computer.


  • Tor: use the switch to toggle Tor on or off.
  • Open links as .onion links: when enabled, links will be opened as .onion links.


  • Color scheme: set the Trezor Suite color scheme to light, dark, or to mirror your system settings.
  • Address display: choose between 'Continuous' or 'Spaced' address formats, the latter of which presents them in user-friendly chunks of 4 characters. Having the option to switch between the two formats aims to simplify and enhance the address verification process.
  • Usage data: use the switch to toggle submission of user data on/off. Any data you provide is anonymous, and is used solely for the purpose of improving Trezor products.
  • Application log: click 'Show log' to display all necessary technical information, should you need to provide it to the Trezor support team.
  • App storage: click 'Reset app' to revert to the Trezor Suite default settings. This may be useful if you're trying to troubleshoot any problems.
  • Suite version: here you will see the version of Trezor Suite you currently have installed on your computer. Click on the version number to view the corresponding Trezor Suite github project. If an update is available, click on 'Get the latest version' to update Trezor Suite on your computer.


  • Enabling view-only mode means you can check your wallet balance without having to physically connect your Trezor to your computer or phone.


  • Early Access Program: an opt-in feature that will deliver beta versions of new updates a week before their planned release date. Once enabled, an icon shaped like a star will appear in the bottom-left corner of Trezor Suite (click for quick access to settings in Trezor Suite):

Device settings

Use the device settings menu to customize your Trezor device, manage security features, and perform other (advanced) operations.

Wallet backup

  • Backup: informs you of the status of your backup, i.e., whether or not you've set up your recovery seed.
    • If you've already created your backup, you'll see the grayed-out 'Backup successful' button.
    • If you have not already created your backup, please click on Create backup and set it up so as soon as possible:

If you are using your Trezor device without a backup, Trezor Suite will also display a red banner at the top of the screen, prompting you to create a backup.
  • Check backup: click on 'Check backup' to perform a simulated wallet recovery process, which allows you to check the validity of your recovery seed phrase.

A step-by-step guide for checking your recovery seed phrase is also available for both Trezor models:  

Wallet loading

  • Default wallet loading: easily switch between your preferred type of wallet to load during Suite startup. Select Passphrase if you regularly access funds protected by a passphrase.


  • Firmware version: informs you which firmware version is currently installed. Click on the version number to view the corresponding Trezor Suite github project.
  • Type: informs you which firmware type is installed on your Trezor device, and allows you to switch between Universal and Bitcoin-only firmware. Click on the version type to view the corresponding Trezor Suite github project.


  • PIN: use the switch to toggle the PIN feature on/off.
  • Change PIN: if you want to change your PIN (or need to change it because you suspect it may have been compromised) simply click on 'Change PIN' and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Passphrase: the passphrase feature is enabled by default, but you can turn the feature off using the toggle switch. You can learn more about using passphrases in our Using passphrase in Trezor Suite, MetaMask and other apps video on YouTube.
  • Safety checks: although not recommended, you can turn off Trezor safety checks and allow (potentially) unsafe actions, e.g. mismatching coin keys or enabling extreme fees. 
Do not edit the safety checks unless you know what you're doing!


  • Device name: use the box to customize the name of your Trezor device.
  • Homescreen: upload a custom image, or choose from the gallery, to personalize the homescreen of your Trezor device
  • Display rotation: use the North / South / East / West buttons to rotate the display on your Trezor device accordingly.
  • Auto-lock time: change how long it takes for the device to automatically lock.

When renaming your Trezor, or entering characters via the device touchscreen, only the following standard ASCII characters are valid:

Danger area

  • Factory reset: perform a factory reset to erase all information from your Trezor device.
  • Set up wipe code: use this advanced feature to create a "self destruct" code for your Trezor hardware wallet.
  • Install custom firmware: downgrade the device firmware or install bitcoin-only firmware

Coins settings

  • Use the Coins settings area to enable or disable coins - just click on the coin in question.
  • Hover over an active coin to reveal the settings gear icon; click on it to access the 'Backends' menu, which allows you to setup custom backends in Trezor Suite.
  • Disabling a coin only removes it from the Trezor Suite interface, it does not cause the coins to 'disappear' from your device.