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Trezor Suite Update November 2023

To download and install the latest update, simply open Trezor Suite and proceed using the on-screen instructions. If you’re not yet using Trezor Suite, download it for free from

Please note that updates roll out in stages and you may not be prompted to update for several days after this announcement. Be the first to try new features by joining the Trezor Suite Early Access Program. Switch it on in Application Settings!

The November 2023 update of Trezor Suite to 23.11 brings the following improvements:

New features

  • We've made it easier to find buy and sell options in user accounts. Previously hidden under the Trade button, these options are now prominently placed in the trade box, along with helpful market information. This change makes for a smoother and more straightforward user experience.


  • We’re pleased to announce that French has been added as a new official language, making Trezor Suite more inclusive and accessible to a broader audience.
  • We’ve eliminated redundant confirmation notifications, reducing unnecessary interruptions and making your user experience more efficient.

Bug fixes

  • On Linux, resolved crashing of the app immediately after start up.
  • The “Update on quit” button will now exit the application when intended, ensuring a smoother user experience.
  • We’ve resolved the issue with coin icons on MacOS 14, so they now appear correctly and consistently in the app.