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Experimental Features in Trezor Suite

Experimental features (introduced in Trezor Suite 24.8.1) let power users test the latest Suite developments and features prior to wider public release. This means we can roll out desired features earlier in the product development stage and gain valuable feedback from our user base. This means we can launch basic versions of new features and refine them based on user feedback.

Experimental features may have bugs and may not be supported in future releases.

Accessing the Experimental features in Trezor Suite

  • Navigate to Settings > Application, then scroll to the bottom where you'll find the Experimental section
  • Then, click to toggle switch to enable Experimental features:
  • That's it! You're ready to get started with testing the latest Trezor Suite features. Feature(s) can be enabled/disabled independently of one another by (un)checking the boxes.

Binance smart chain

Enable the BNB Smart Chain network to manage your assets directly in Trezor Suite, rather than having to use a third party application.

Tor Snowflake

This feature will help many of our users who are blocked by their internet providers from connecting to Trezor backends and thus use Suite. Learn more about it in our Tor snowflake in Trezor Suite article.