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Trezor Suite doesn’t see my device

Try another cable and USB port

Changing the cable resolves the connectivity issues most of the time.


Make sure you are using an original Trezor cable, or a good quality cable designed for data transfer. 

Unfortunately, not all USB cables are rated for data transfer. If your Trezor display lights up, it does not necessarily mean that the cable is suitable.

Make sure your firmware is up to date

Following the deprecation of Trezor Bridge, which has been replaced by nodeBridge, Trezor Model One users who are running firmware version 1.7.0 or older will not find their devices in Trezor Suite. This is because until September 2018, Model One devices were using the Human Interface Device (HID) transport type (a method used to transmit data between your Trezor and your computer) which is no longer supported in Trezor Suite.
To update your Trezor Model One firmware, so that you can use your device with the latest version of Trezor Suite, please follow the steps below:
  • Download and install Trezor Suite version 25.1.2 (this version of Suite does support the HID transport type)
  • Start Trezor Suite and connect your Model One
  • Navigate to Settings > Device and scroll down to the Firmware section
  • Click on Update Available and follow the prompts to install the firmware
  • With the new firmware installed on your Model One, you can now proceed with updating Trezor Suite: go to Settings > Application and scroll down to the Application section
  • Click on Get the latest version and follow the prompts to install the latest release of Trezor Suite
Following these updates, Trezor Suite will now find your Model One when you connect and unlock it.

Update your Windows drivers

When using Windows, install the Zadig software. This is a Windows application that installs generic USB drivers, such as WinUSB, libusb-win32/libusb0.sys or libusbK, to help you access USB devices. After installation, please restart both your browser and computer.

To install the Zadig software for Windows follow the steps below.
  • Download the Zadig software from this source
  • Run the Zadig USB Drivers application
  • Connect the Trezor in bootloader mode
  • Open the Zadig application and select "Option" from the top menu and "List all devices" 
  • Select the device listed as "Unknown Device #1" or something similar
  • To the right of the green arrow, select the driver called "libusb0 (v1.2.6.0)" from the options
  • Click the option that says "Install Driver" or "Replace Driver" 
  • Wait until it is done and then close the Zadig application
  • Restart your computer
  • Unplug the Trezor device and then open Trezor Suite
  • Plug the Trezor in and the device should be recognized


Turn off VPN, firewall or antivirus

  • If you are using a VPN, certain advanced Firewall or Antivirus settings, or browser extensions (AdBlock, Privacy Badger, etc.), try disabling them
  • Whitelist the Trezor Suite application.


Test your current computer

Connect your Trezor device to another computer, preferably with a different supported operating system.


Check our video guide which covers this topic:



If you require further assistance, please contact us via our chatbot Hal who will help resolve your issue.