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Why is my box different from what is shown on the website?

There have been slight modifications to the packaging over the years and it could be that your package is an older design. You can check the packaging timeline of the Trezor Model One, Trezor Model TTrezor Safe 3 and Trezor Safe 5 to ensure that your product has not been tampered with.
In addition to checking the integrity of the packaging there are extra security measures in place to help verify the security of your Trezor device:
  • All Trezor devices are distributed without firmware installed - It will be installed during the initial setup. The setup process will check if firmware has already been installed on the device. If firmware is detected then the device should not be used.
  • The bootloader verifies the firmware signature each time you connect your Trezor to a computer. Trezor Suite will only accept the device if the installed firmware is correctly signed by SatoshiLabs. If unofficial firmware has been installed, your device will flash a warning sign on its screen upon being connected to a computer.
  • You will need to generate a wallet backup (recovery seed) during Trezor setup. This backup is unique, ensuring only you have access to your private keys.