Stick & Slush
Trezor co-founders
Crypto-industry pioneer
Creator of the original crypto hardware wallet.
110+ like-minded individuals
Working on better products. Striving for a better world.
100% self-owned
10+ years of real decisions without compromise
Trezor emerged from the chaos of online exchanges that just couldn't keep up. We realized it was time to step up the security game against online attacks and malicious apps.
Our founders, Stick and Slush, teamed up to create, advance, and revolutionize an entirely new industry, bringing about a complete about-face from traditional, online crypto storage and management.
With an independent and open-minded approach to development, Stick and Slush transformed their humble beginnings to an industry leader with a solid team of security experts, designers, and support staff. The final result is Trezor today, further pushing the envelope of crypto security, hardware wallet innovation, and global bitcoin adoption.
With Trezor in your corner, you a have a true haven to stash and use your coins exactly the way you want. Our sister companies stand united, providing peer-to-peer crypto transactions, auditable open-source chip solutions, and exceptional crypto offers.
Ready to be the boss of your financial future? Welcome to Trezor.
We've transformed crypto security from a complex puzzle to a user-friendly playground. We're aiming is to shape a world that's not only better but also just.
We’re a mixed bag of crypto enthusiasts, design gurus, security genies, and true-believers in the bitcoin movement. We also like cold beer, good food, and making the most out of each day.
The magic happens at our Prague offices where ideas flourish, becoming practical concepts and prototypes. Through rigorous cycles of development, testing, and iteration, only the finest earn the Trezor name.
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