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Trezor Suite Update March 2024

To download and install the latest update, simply open Trezor Suite and proceed using the on-screen instructions. If you’re not yet using Trezor Suite, download it for free from

Please note that updates roll out in stages and you may not be prompted to update for several days after this announcement. Be the first to try new features by joining the Trezor Suite Early Access Program. Switch it on in Application Settings!

The March 2024 update of Trezor Suite to 24.3.2 brings the following improvements:

New features & enhancements

  • Polygon: The Polygon (PoS) network together with its native currency MATIC have been added to the EVM compatible networks in Trezor Suite. Polgyon PoS is a proof-of-stake sidechain for Ethereum, offering high throughput and low costs.
Read more about the implementation in our Polygon (MATIC) in Trezor Suite article.
  • Token definitions: These have been introduced in order to distinguish between legitimate and unrecognized tokens, improving user security. NFT spam in Polygon transactions is now identifiable.
  • Device settings: Your Trezor device now speaks more languages with German, French, and Italian in Beta, making both Suite and Trezor hardware wallets multi-lingual.


  • Checking address and transaction details: We have matched the screen layout in both in Suite and on device Firmware, to make comparing addresses and XPUBs much easier.
  • Checksums: Added checksums to taproot descriptors for increased security, and harmonized layout with firmware for a seamless experience.
  • Scrolling: Enhanced visibility of scrollable content with new shadow effects and refined border design for more intuitive navigation.
  • Fiat input: Introduced fiat currency input for token transactions, catering to users who prefer valuing transactions in traditional currency.

Bug Fixes

  • Automatic server switching implemented for enhanced connection stability.
  • Yearly savings calculation in the Trade section Save Bitcoin feature is now operational.
  • Removed irrelevant error messages for a seamless experience when rebooting devices with outdated firmware.
  • Corrected an issue where a question mark appeared instead of the mouse pointer on certain accounts.
  • Fixed a problem where fiat values for newly added tokens were not accurately calculated, ensuring precise fiat equivalents are now shown.
  • Corrected Suite's misstated maximum PIN length for Trezor Model One from 9 to the longstanding correct value of 50.
  • Fix payload error while hovering over the Portfolio graph
  • Fixed an error on discovering some Taproot addresses