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OS requirements for Trezor

  • Supported browsers (Trezor Suite web application)
  • Supported operating systems
  • Using your Trezor device with mobile devices
The desktop and web versions of Trezor Suite are compatible with most major operating systems and web browsers.

The Trezor Suite web application can be accessed using an up-to-date, supported browser on any of the operating systems listed below.
We recommend Linux, Mac and Windows users download and install the Trezor Suite desktop application, which offers enhanced privacy and functionality.

Supported browsers (Trezor Suite web application)

  • All Chromium-based browsers are supported (Chrome, Opera, Edge, Brave etc) but we recommend using Google Chrome.
  • Other browsers (including Firefox and Safari) are not supported due to lack of WebUSB functionality.

Supported operating systems

  • Linux
  • MacOS (version 10.15 and higher)
  • Windows (version 10 or newer)

ChromeOS is not yet officially supported, but it should work via Google's webUSB.

Using your Trezor device with mobile devices

On mobile devices, Android is supported; iOS is not (yet) supported.

We also have a watch-only mobile app Trezor Suite Lite. To learn more check out: What is Trezor Suite Lite?