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Labels in Trezor Suite

Labeling is a tool that helps you stay organized. Rename your wallets, accounts, and addresses to keep track of your portfolio, separate transactions based on their sender, or make notes about transactions.

Labels are synced to your Google Drive or Dropbox account, or can be stored locally.

  • Turning on Labeling in Trezor Suite
  • Using the labeling feature
  • Renaming accounts
  • Labeling receiving addresses
  • Labeling outgoing addresses
  • Storing labels on Dropbox or Google Drive
  • Finding and deleting 'hidden' labeling files in Google Drive
  • Storing Labels Locally
  • Export Transaction History

Turning on Labeling in Trezor Suite

  • Go to the Settings menu by clicking the gear icon in the top-right corner of Trezor Suite
  • In the Application settings tab, scroll down to Labeling 
  • Click the toggle to turn labeling on:
  • Confirm this by following the instructions shown on your Trezor device
  • Next, confirm where to store your labels by selecting the appropriate option in the 'Save labels' modal window:
  • Follow the instructions for pairing your Dropbox or Google Drive account with Trezor Suite.


Using the labeling feature

  • When labeling is off, accounts will be named according to Trezor Suite defaults and transactions addresses use a long string of letters and numbers.
  • When labeling is on, you can change the name to anything that helps you stay organized.


Renaming accounts

Once you have enabled labeling:

  • Hover over the account name displayed at the top of Suite and click on the 'Rename' tag icon that appears.



  • Enter a new account name and confirm by clicking on the green check mark icon:



  • You'll then see confirmation that the account has been renamed:



Labeling receiving addresses

This helps you to identify incoming payments as well as to assign them to a specific purpose (e.g., business payments, personal payments). You can label previously used addresses as well as newly created ones. 


  • To add a label to a receiving address, hover over the address and click on the 'Add label' tag that appears:



  • Enter the label name, and when you're done click on the green check mark icon to confirm:



  • You'll then see confirmation that the address has successfully been renamed:



Whenever someone sends you a payment to an address that you labeled (e.g., "Business 1"), you can see this label in your transactions history.


Labeling outgoing addresses

Adding a label to the outgoing address when sending a transaction helps you to keep track of your expenses. 


  • In the Send tab, you will see the 'Add label' button in the 'Address' input field:



  • Input the desired label name and click on the green check mark icon to confirm:



  • The label will then be stored for the outgoing address:



Another useful application of labeling outgoing addresses is keeping track of multiple payments within one transaction. You can add a comment to every single address (output). For more information about multiple payments in one transaction, see Making payments.


Storing labels on Dropbox or Google Drive

One way to store your labels is by using cloud storage services such as Google Drive or Dropbox. These platforms allow you to save your labels remotely and access them from different devices. 

  • Trezor Suite creates a folder "/Apps/TREZOR" in either Dropbox or Google Drive.
  • Labels for each Trezor account are stored in separate files within this folder.

As a precaution, it is recommended that you back up these files in secure storage elsewhere to avoid losing access to your labels if you lose access to your cloud storage account.

All files are encrypted using a private key derived from your Trezor for this single purpose. It is not possible to use Dropbox to gain access to your payment history, to your actual account balance, or to your recovery seed!


Once you choose where to store the information, many things can be labeled by clicking on them, allowing you to stay organized and know what coins came from where or what price you bought them at.

Finding and deleting 'hidden' labeling files in Google Drive

In Google Drive, your Trezor Suite labeling data is stored in appDataFolder, which is not shown in the main Google Drive interface.

To delete these files, you will need to perform the following steps:
  • Go to
  • Click the gear icon and choose Settings
  • Select Manage apps
  • The amount of ‘hidden data’ is shown under the app name and description. To delete this data, click Options and then Delete hidden app data:

Storing Labels Locally

Another option for saving your labels is to store them locally on your computer. This method is ideal if you do not wish to use cloud storage services. However, keep in mind that storing labels locally means you won't be able to access them while using Trezor Suite on another device.

Depending on your operating system, the labels will be found in:
  • MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/@trezor/suite-desktop/metadata/
  • Linux: ~/.config/@trezor/suite-desktop/metadata/
  • Windows 11: C:\Users\YOURPCNAME\AppData\Roaming\@trezor\suite-desktop\metadata
Make sure you create regular backups of these files and store them in a secure location to prevent data loss.

Export Transaction History

You have the possibility to export your data in multiple formats: PDF, CSV and JSON. The export menu is available by clicking the three little dots near to the search button.

The JSON format contains the most extensive amount of information. This export can be used for data vizualisation for example.