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Trezor device firmware update August 2024

The August 2024 Trezor device firmware updates brings the Trezor Safe 5 and Model T to firmware version 2.8.1, introducing the following improvements:

To download and apply the update, open Trezor Suite and follow the on-screen instructions.

Trezor Safe 5 [new firmware version 2.8.1]

  • PIN keyboard animation.
  • Menu entry animation.
  • Improved precision of the PIN timeout countdown.
  • New UI when confirming interaction-less firmware update.
  • Backlight fading removed for smooter screen transitions.
  • Improved resumption of interrupted animations.
  • Instruction screens during multi-share recovery process have been improved.
  • Enhanced swiping animation when transitioning between recovery share words.
  • Progress indicator for the formatting operation.
  • Screen brightness settings.
  • Touch layer precision.
  • 'More info' screen during multi-share backup creation.
  • Screen title formatting.
  • Detection of swipes; vertical swipes are preferred over horizontal swipes.
  • Solana account fixes.
View the full changelog here: firmware version 2.8.1

Trezor Model T [new firmware version 2.8.1]

  • Improved precision of the PIN timeout countdown.
  • Progress indicator for the formatting operation.
  • Solana account fixes.
View the full changelog here: firmware version 2.8.1