Information on how to connect Trezor with Ronin can be found in this article.
If you have trouble connecting your Trezor with Ronin, please make sure your configuration meets the following criteria:
If you can't see the desired address with your funds in "Select an Account to Import" while connecting your Trezor to Ronin, it means you are accessing a different wallet. Either you have a different wallet backup stored in your Trezor or you are entering a different passphrase.
To access the wallet that includes the address you want to add to Ronin, you need to use the same combination of wallet backup and passphrase you used when you generated this address for the first time.
You can find more information on issues with passphrase in this article.
If the Ronin app is preventing you from spending your funds (signing a transaction), this might be caused when the (appropriate) private key is missing. Private keys for signing transactions are derived from the combination of the wallet backup stored on Trezor device and passphrase (if enabled and used). Hence, if a different wallet backup and/or a different passphrase is used then the private key differs and therefore cannot be used. In such a case, previously generated wallets/accounts in third-party apps would become watch-only wallets without the possibility of spending the funds.
To be able to successfully sign a transaction, you need to use the right combination of wallet backup and passphrase for the address from which the transaction is being made.