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Trezor Suite update March 2023

To download and install the latest update, simply open Trezor Suite and proceed using the on-screen instructions. If you’re not yet using Trezor Suite, download it for free from

Please note that updates roll out in stages and you may not be prompted to update for several days after this announcement. Be the first to try new features by joining the Trezor Suite Early Access Program. Switch it on in Application Settings!

The March 2023 update of Trezor Suite to 23.3.2 brings the following improvements:

Extended coinjoin testing (Trezor Model T)

Coinjoin is a powerful tool that helps Trezor users regain their privacy. Early rounds of public testing have provided valuable feedback, leading to various improvements to the entire coinjoin process in Trezor Suite.

Further testing will help finalize the implementation of coinjoin in Suite.
Learn more about coinjoin in Trezor Suite in our dedicated article

Bug fixes

Transaction signing error fixed for Litecoin transactions.

Other fixes & improvements

Various other small changes have been made to improve the overall Trezor Suite experience.