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Encrypt PIN with MicroSD card

Encrypting your PIN using a microSD card provides extra protection against physical attacks on the Trezor Model T and Trezor Safe 5. When enabled, a randomly-generated secret is stored on the microSD card. When checking your PIN or using your PIN to unlock your Trezor, this secret is combined with the PIN to decrypt data stored on the device. Simply put, the device gets 'bound' to the microSD card, and cannot be unlocked without it until you intentionally disable the feature or factory-reset your device.

If you need to perform a factory reset, please consult the relevant guide:

If you are concerned about physical attacks, you can remove the SD card whenever the device is not in use and keep the two in separate locations. One without the other is worthless to an attacker, because the SD card secret is an entirely random value which carries no information about the seed or passphrase.

Activating and using the SD protection

To enable this feature you will need trezorctl version 0.11.6 or later and a FAT32 formatted microSD card. 


If the card is not properly formatted, then Trezor will offer to erase and format the card for you.


There are three commands related to SD protection:


trezorctl device sd-protect on


trezorctl device sd-protect off


trezorctl device sd-protect refresh 


The refresh command replaces the current SD card secret with a new one. This is useful if you inserted the SD card into a malware-infected computer and are worried that the secret stored on the card may have been compromised.


Connect your device and insert the MicroSD card into the card slot



The MicroSD card should be inserted with pins facing you on the left-hand side.


Using the command line to enable the SD protection


  • Use the command:


trezorctl device sd-protect on


  • Follow the on-screen instructions:



Congratulations! Your device is now bound to the secret on the microSD card. You will need insert the card into the device to use your PIN. 



The SD card is required to enable the feature, and then every time you wish to unlock the device.