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Trezor Suite update July 2022

To download and install the latest update, simply open Trezor Suite and proceed using the on-screen instructions. If you’re not yet using Trezor Suite, download it for free from

Please note that updates roll out in stages and you may not be prompted to update for several days after this announcement. Be the first to try new features by joining the Trezor Suite Early Access Program. Switch it on in Application Settings!

The July 2022 update of Trezor Suite brings the following improvements:

Pay in fractions for your transaction

  • You can now specify the fee rate up to two decimal places in sats per vByte, so you can now set fees to 0.01 sat of precision when sending transactions or when bumping the fee using RBF.

Longer PIN for Trezor Model One

  • We have increased the maximum PIN length to 50 digits from the previous 9 digits.

Technical improvements

  • Behind the scenes, we have made some changes including API updates and providing new security checks for validating device firmware.
Full details of the July 2022 update can be found on the official Trezor Blog product update page.