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Shipping Estimates for Trezor Safe 5

We understand how eager you are to get your Trezor products in your hands. In this article, you'll find the shipping estimates for all Trezor Safe 5 variants to help you plan your big unboxing day.

Shipping estimates vary and they are updated on a regular basis. If your order contains multiple devices and/or accessories, please be assured that we will process your order as quickly as possible, however shipping delays may occur.

Trezor Safe 5

Black Graphite and Bitcoin Orange:

Order placed Estimated shipping date
June 2024 Early July 2024



Violet Ore and Green Beryl
Order placed Estimated shipping date
August 2024 Mid August 2024


I don't remember when I ordered, so I can't find my ETA. How can I find this information?

Your order date can be found in the confirmation email sent to you immediately after your purchase. If you have misplaced this email, please contact our support team via our chatbot Hal for further assistance.

How do I know when my pre-order is shipping?

Once your pre-order has been processed and is ready to ship, we will send you an email that includes your tracking number. You can use this number to monitor the delivery status.

How long does the delivery take once the order is shipped?

Delivery times can vary based on the shipping method you chose and the destination country. For more precise information tailored to your specific situation, please consult our Expected delivery times page.

Why have I received a tracking number but my package isn't moving?

Once your order can be fulfilled (i.e., the warehouse has received necessary stock for the order) a tracking number is generated immediately and sent to you. Under normal circumstances, it takes anywhere from 12-24 hours to dispatch the item. When demand is high, it can take up to 5 days for the tracking to show any sign of progress.

If you require further assistance, please contact us via our chatbot Hal who will help resolve your issue.
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