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Commonly misspelled recovery seed words

If you are having trouble with your recovery seed and the device is not recognizing one of your words, we recommend checking the folowwing list carefully.  These are the commonly misspelled words from the full list of that can be easily confused by making a typo. Misspelling a recovery seed word leads to failed recovery of your Trezor Wallet.

Please see the list below, as it could help you spot the misspelled words in your recovery seed.

able cable table across cross act art cat pact
action auction add dad again gain
age cage page wage ahead head aim air arm
air hair pair all ball call fall ill wall alley valley
alter later anger danger angle ankle
arch march area arena arm army art farm warm
around round arrow narrow art cart
ask mask task aunt hunt avoid void
awake aware away way bag bar tag
ball call fall wall bar car jar base case
battle cattle beach bench teach bean mean
belt best melt best nest test west better bitter butter letter
bid bind bird kid bike like bind bird blind find kind mind
bitter butter blade blame blame flame
blue blur glue blush brush flush slush boat goat
body boy boil coil foil oil bone one tone zone
book cook border order boring bring
boss toss box boy fox boy joy toy
brain grain rain train brass grass brick brisk trick
bridge ridge brief grief bright right
bring ring brisk risk broom room
brown frown brush crush bulb bulk
bus busy cable table cage cake case cave page wage
cake case cave lake make call calm fall wall calm palm
camp damp lamp ramp can car cat fan man scan van cannon canyon
car card cart cat jar card cart hard yard cart cat
case cash cause cave chase cash crash dash wash castle cattle
cat chat fat hat catch match patch cause pause
cave have pave save wave certain curtain chair hair
change charge chat hat that what chef chief
clap claw clay clip claw clay law clay play day
click clock climb limb clip flip
clock flock lock cloud loud clog dog
clutch dutch coach couch coast cost roast toast
code come core coil coin cool foil oil coin corn join
come core home cook cool cool pool tool wool
coral moral core corn more corn horn
cost host post couch crouch cover hover over
crack rack track craft draft cram cream
crash crush trash cream dream crop drop
cry dry try cube cute tube dad day mad sad
damp lamp ramp daring during dash dish wash
dawn lawn day dry say way deal dial real
decade decide defy deny derive drive
dice ice nice rice diet dirt dinner inner winner
dish fish wish dog fog clog donkey monkey
donor door door odor dose dove nose rose close
dove love move draft drift draw raw
drip drop trip dry try dust just must
earn learn east easy vast edit exit
eight height light night right sight either neither emerge merge
emotion motion enable unable enact exact
end lend estate state exist exit
face fade fame race fade fame fall wall
fame flame frame game name same fan fat fun man van farm firm warm
fat fit flat hat father gather rather fault vault
feed feel need seed fee feed feel few flee feel fuel
fever never file film fine fire film firm
find fine kind mind fine fire wine finger ginger
fire firm hire wire fish wish fit fix kit
fitness witness fix fox mix six flag flat
flame frame flash flush flat float
flight light slight flock lock flush slush
fog fox frog foil oil fold food gold hold old
follow hollow food foot good hood wood fork work
found round sound front frost fun gun run sun
funny sunny gain grain main rain game gate gaze name same
gap gas gasp garage garbage gas gasp
gasp wasp gate gaze rate gather rather
gaze maze ghost host giant grant
gift lift give live glass grass
glide guide slide globe glove glove love
glow grow slow gold good hold old good hood wood
gown own town grace grape race grain rain train
grant grunt great treat grid grit
gun run sun hair pair hand hard sand
hard yard hat that what have pave save wave
health wealth hen pen ten then when hero zero
hill ill pill will hint hunt hip ship tip whip
hire wire hold hole hood old hole home hope pole
home hope hood wood host post
hover over humble tumble hunt hurt
ice nice rice icon iron ill pill will
inject insect inner winner issue tissue
item stem job joy joy toy
just must keen keep kick sick
kid kind kit kind mind kiss miss
kit kite know now snow lab law slab
lady lazy lake like make lamp ramp
later layer water law lawn raw left lift
lend lens life lift like live wife lift list
light night right sight slight like live link pink wink
live love olive load loan loud road local loyal vocal
lock sock long song lottery pottery
love move loyal royal lumber number
lunch punch mad maid man sad maid mail main
mail main rail sail tail main man rain make maze
man mean van march match mask mass task
mass miss pass master matter match math patch
math myth path mean meat meat melt seat
medal metal mercy merry milk silk
mix six moon soon more move
mother other move movie much such
mule rule name same near pear wear year
need seed nest net next test west net next nut pet wet
next text nice rice night right sight
noise nose north worth nose note rose
note vote now snow nurse purse
nut put once one one tone zone
open oven pen orange range oven over
own town ozone zone paddle saddle
page pave wage palace place patch path pitch
pave save wave peace place pear wear year
pen pet ten pet poet put wet pill pull will
pink wink place plate poem poet
poet post point print polar solar
pond pony pool tool wool powder power
power tower praise raise present prevent
price pride prize rice pride prize ride project protect
proof roof pull pulp pulse purse
quit quiz suit race rack rare rate rice rack track
rail rain sail tail rain train rare rate
reason season rent tent rice rich ride
ride ridge rude side tide wide right sight ring sing wing
roast toast roof room round sound
rude rule rug run run sun
sad sand say safe same save sail tail
salmon salon same save sample simple
sand stand save wave say shy spy stay way
scale scare scare share spare sea seat
seed seek shed speed sell shell spell tell shaft shift
shallow swallow share spare shell spell
shift swift ship shop whip shock sock stock
shoe shop shove shoot short short sort sport
shove stove shy spy sick silk sock stick
side size slide tide wide sight slight sign sing
sing song sting swing wing skate state skill skull still
skin spin ski skin slab slam
slam slim slice slide spice slim swim
slot slow spot slow snow smart start
snap soap swap soap soup swap sock stock
soft sort soon spoon sorry worry
sort sport soul soup south youth
space spare spice speak steak speed spend
spice spike sport spot stable table
staff stuff stage state stamp swamp
stem step stick stock sting swing
stone stove tone stool tool stumble tumble
sure surge surge urge swamp swap
swarm warm swear wear swing wing
sword word talk tank task walk tank task thank
tape type taste waste team term
ten tent then tent test text test text west
that what theme there then they when
there three where three tree tide time wide
tip top trip toe tone top toy tone zone
tool wool top toy toy try
track trick truck trap tray trip wrap tray try
tree true trick truck trim trip
twin win use used verb very
wage wave wait want walk wall
wall will wash wasp wish wear year
web wet west wet what wheat
wide wife wine wire wise wife wine wire wise wild will
wine wing wink wire wise wing wink winner winter
win wine wing wink wire wise wise wish
wood wool word word work world
If you require further assistance, please contact us via our chatbot Hal who will help resolve your issue.