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Getting to know Trezor Suite

The purpose of this article is to introduce Trezor Suite and its basic functions. Specific features and functions are explained in more detail in the individual guide articles.


  • Dashboard
  • Selecting your device
  • Selecting your account
  • Account tabs
  • Suite settings: Application, Device and Crypto



The Dashboard is the first screen you will see once you've started Trezor Suite and connected your Trezor device. It shows an overview of your crypto portfolio and allows you to enable more cryptocurrency assets via the 'Enable more coins' button. 

You can choose the cryptocurrency that you want to work with by selecting it from the list of assets. Each cryptocurrency has its own wallet with its own accounts and addresses that are not mutually compatible.
Make sure that you have selected the correct cryptocurrency, especially when sending or receiving transactions. Sending funds to the address of a different cryptocurrency can lead to permanent loss of funds. For example, it is not possible to send Bitcoin to a Bitcoin Cash address and vice versa.


Selecting your device

You can choose which device you want to use using the button in the top-left corner of Trezor Suite: 

You can also load additional standard wallets or a passphrase-protected hidden wallet.

If you are using multiple Trezor devices, always make sure that you are working with the correct device.

By clicking on the device name you can access its settings, choose to remember a wallet (store it for watch-only mode) or eject a wallet (instantly remove all data from Trezor Suite)

Selecting your account

In the left sidebar of the interface, you can select the account that you want to work with. You can use multiple accounts (up to a maximum of 10 per coin) at the same time and add new ones, if needed:

  • Please note: if an account is created and left empty, it will not be loaded the next time you open Trezor Suite and connect your Trezor device.
  • See also: Using multiple accounts.
Always make sure that the right account is selected. All transactions and payments that you carry out in Trezor Suite are linked to a particular account.


Account tabs

After selecting your cryptocurrency, device, and account, you can access the following tabs:
  • Send: This tab allows you to send funds to different addresses - see also: Making payments.
  • Receive: This tab allows you to generate receiving addresses for the selected account - see also: Receiving payments.
  • Trade: This tab allows you to Buy, Sell, and Exchange your crypto.

Settings: Application, Device, and Coins

This part of Trezor Suite allows you to access the following:

  • Application: This section allows you to set some features of the interface, such as which fiat currency to display, enable or disable Labeling, use Dark mode, reset the app, enable Tor, and check which version of Trezor Suite you are using.
  • Device: Here you can manage security features such as your backup, PIN and passphrase, and customize your device by changing the device name and homescreen. You can also wipe your device, which will wipe the wallet backup (recovery seed) from memory and can lead to coin loss if you do not have your wallet backup. Only wipe your device if you have your wallet backup with you.
  • Coins: Enable or disable coins. Disabling a coin only removes it from the Trezor Suite interface, it does not cause the coins to 'disappear' from your device.

View-only and Eject

Trezor public keys can be stored on the host machine to track balances stored on the wallet. The View-only and Eject functions give you control over ease of use, privacy, and security for each wallet enabled on your Trezor.

If you store your Trezor in a secure place but want to watch any incoming or outgoing transactions, View-only lets you see account activity without needing to take your Trezor out of storage.

Access the View-only and Eject settings by clicking on the wallet switcher button in the top-left corner of Trezor Suite:

This reveals the wallet swticher, where you can access the View-only and Eject functions:

View-only allows you to monitor your balances without needing your Trezor or your private keys. It tracks the wallet extended public key (XPUB), which gives information about address holdings.

Eject removes the wallet from view while Trezor Suite is running. Ejecting a Passphrase wallet will make the user enter the passphrase again. Ejecting a Standard wallet will stop tracking address balances. To find the wallet again, click Add wallet, or reconnect and unlock your Trezor.

 If you are using a shared or public computer, wallet balances could be viewed by others who have access to the computer. Eject any saved wallets to prevent revealing this information.
Trezor Suite application features and walkthrough guide