Take control of your crypto in
Trezor Suite

Manage your assets in one app.

Coin Management

Connect your hardware wallet with Trezor Suite.

Send & receive coins, track your portfolio, trade assets or pay for daily essentials directly from the app.

Coin Management

Check & Verify

No more second guessing.

Every transaction on the app requires your explicit confirmation directly on your Trezor hardware wallet.

Check & Verify

Simple Setup & Use

Set up within minutes.

Grab your Trezor device, plug it in, open Trezor Suite, and let your crypto journey begin! Forget about the tech jargon, we speak your language.

Simple Setup & Use
Create Multiple Wallets

Create Multiple Wallets

Organize, store & use crypto the way you want.
Get Boss-Level Security

Get Boss-Level Security

Set up a hidden wallet.
Earn More With Staking

Earn More With Staking

Support the blockchain and collect rewards
Sync & Track on Your Phone

Sync & Track on Your Phone

Stay up to date with your portfolio using our mobile app.
Find the Best Deal

Find the Best Deal

Compare exchanges, choose the best offer and trade.

Security & privacy your way with the Trezor Suite app

Discover the app
Tor network

Make it more difficult to trace your internet activity with Tor, an open-source software that enables anonymous communication.

Coin control

Get more control and enhance privacy when sending funds. Manually select specific coins to use for outgoing transactions.


Taproot enhances bitcoin safety, privacy & network efficiency.

Explore all features

Features of Trezor Suite app

Supports 1000s
of coins & tokens

Check your coins
Both trezors

Take control of your future

Compare wallets