Safe & secure WhiteBIT Coin wallet

Take control of your WhiteBIT Coin assets with complete confidence in the Trezor ecosystem.

Send & receive your WhiteBIT Coin with the Trezor Suite app

Trezor Suite is an app designed to work with WhiteBIT Coin, available on desktop, web & mobile.
Send & receive
Send & receive
Easily move your WhiteBIT Coin from any wallet or exchange to your Trezor hardware wallet.
Buy, sell & swap
Move, save & store your assets using your Trezor hardware wallet.

Trezor hardware wallets that support WhiteBIT Coin

Sync your Trezor with wallet apps

Manage your WhiteBIT Coin with your Trezor hardware wallet synced with several wallet apps.

  • Trezor SuiteTrezor Suite
  • MetaMaskMetaMask
  • RabbyRabby

Supported WhiteBIT Coin Network

  • Ethereum

Why a hardware wallet?


Go offline with Trezor

  • You own 100% of your coins
  • Your wallet is 100% safe offline
  • Your data is 100% anonymous
  • Your coins aren’t tied to any company

Online exchanges

  • If an exchange fails, you lose your coins
  • Exchanges are targets for hackers
  • Your personal data may be exposed
  • You don’t truly own your coins

How to WBT on Trezor


Connect your Trezor

Connect your Trezor hardware wallet to your computer or mobile device. If you don’t have one yet, you can buy it here.

Install Trezor Suite

Install Trezor Suite
Download and install the Trezor Suite app for the best experience, or open the web app on your browser.

Transfer your WBT

Transfer your coin
Open Trezor Suite, select your asset (activate first if needed), go to “Receive,” show full address, verify it on your Trezor, paste address into your exchange’s “Send to” field. Voilà!

Make the most of your WBT

Once the WhiteBIT Coin transfer is complete, you can easily and securely manage your WhiteBIT Coin with your Trezor hardware wallet, all through the Trezor Suite app.

Trezor keeps your WBT secure

What is WhiteBIT Token?

WBT is a utility token of the largest European cryptocurrency exchange, WhiteBIT. The platform was established in 2018 and has already become one of the leading crypto exchanges with 3+ mln users worldwide. WhiteBIT’s goal is to contribute to the mass adoption and popularization of blockchain technologies by implementing the most effective trading and staking tools on the most convenient terms. The most popular and efficient trading orders for spot and margin trading, up to 20x leverage for margin and perpetual Bitcoin futures trading, unique passive income tools, a referral program, and the lowest trading fees on the market are only part of the functionality available on WhiteBIT. Discover the full potential of the platform at the link:

WBT is a full-fledged product of the whole WhiteBIT ecosystem that is integrated into all WhiteBIT services, making it easier for the users to interact on the platform. WBT is a solid base for dozens of blockchain startups, new projects, and fruitful trading. Moreover, WhiteBIT Token is a reliable asset that can be used for staking on its native platform, which provides numerous perks to its holders and owners.

Key advantages:

increased referral interest rate (up to 50%); decreased trading fees; free daily ERC-20/ETH withdrawals; free daily AML checks; integration with the current and future products of WhiteBIT and much more.

WBT tokenomics

The token supply is limited to 400 000 000 WBT, with no new tokens to be created in the future. 200M of this amount is treasury tokens that are backing the total amount and will be unlocked within the next three months after the launch.

Trading competitions, airdrops, bounties, beneficial holding programs, and access to the token from other exchange platforms are part of activities associated with the WBT cryptocurrency available on WhiteBIT.


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