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Ethereum ClassicETC

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Ethereum Classic in a nutshell

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Frequently asked questions

How do I buy Ethereum Classic?

Trezor users can buy ETC securely via the 'Trade' tab in the Trezor Suite. Enter the amount (fiat currency) you want to spend on ETC, select a compatible exchange provided by, and then follow the necessary steps to complete the purchase.

What is the difference between Ethereum Classic (ETC) and Ethereum (ETH)?

These cryptocurrencies were once the same project, but the communities split in 2016. In 2022 Ethereum switched from proof of work to proof of stake, where Classic remained on proof of work. This change in consensus mechanism signified the first major difference between the two chains. Apart from this divergence, ETC and ETH are still technologically very similar, and contracts deployed to Ethereum can also be deployed to Ethereum Classic.

How do I mine Ethereum Classic?

As with other cryptocurrencies, mining ETC requires specialist hardware and software. Owing to Ethereum Classic’s large hashrate, solo miners may turn to mining pools to receive smaller, regular rewards proportional to their contribution. You can learn more about mining Ethereum Classic in the project documentation.