Safe & secure Tokenize Xchange wallet

Take control of your Tokenize Xchange assets with complete confidence in the Trezor ecosystem.

Send & receive your Tokenize Xchange with Trezor Hardware wallets

Send & receive
Send & receive
Easily move your Tokenize Xchange from any wallet or exchange to your Trezor hardware wallet.

Trezor hardware wallets that support Tokenize Xchange

Sync your Trezor with wallet apps

Manage your Tokenize Xchange with your Trezor hardware wallet synced with several wallet apps.

  • Trezor Suite
  • Metamask
  • Rabby

Supported Tokenize Xchange Network

  • Ethereum

Why a hardware wallet?


Go offline with Trezor

  • You own 100% of your coins
  • Your wallet is 100% safe offline
  • Your data is 100% anonymous
  • Your coins aren’t tied to any company

Online exchanges

  • If an exchange fails, you lose your coins
  • Exchanges are targets for hackers
  • Your personal data may be exposed
  • You don’t truly own your coins

How to TKX on Trezor


Connect your Trezor

Connect your Trezor hardware wallet to your computer or mobile device and follow the setup steps.

Open a third-party wallet app

Go to to find a compatible wallet app for your coin or token. Download, open, and follow the steps to connect your Trezor.

Manage your assets

After pairing your Trezor with the wallet app, manage your crypto securely. Your Trezor is used to confirm every important transaction.

Make the most of your TKX

Sit back and relax—your assets are safe & secure. Your Trezor hardware wallet offers unparalleled protection for your crypto.

Trezor keeps your TKX secure

Get your TKX wallet

Trezor Safe 5 - Black Graphite
Trezor Safe 5
USD 169
Trezor Safe 3 - Cosmic Black
Trezor Safe 3
USD 79
Trezor Model One - White
Trezor Model One
USD 34.3
USD 49
Trezor Model T
Trezor Model T
USD 77.2
USD 129

Tokenize Xchange in a nutshell

Tokenize Xchange is a fully integrated cryptocurrency exchange that offers both individuals and institutional investors a frictionless and un-sophisticated user experience. The platform will serve as not only a financial tool but also as an educational and communal instrument in proliferating the values and ideas that the blockchain has to offer. The TKX token can be used to pay transaction fees for any trades on the platform, doing so will allow for significant reductions in the fees. The TKX token is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain.


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