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What is Multisig?

Multisignature, commonly referred to as multisig, refers to requiring more than one key to authorize a Bitcoin transaction. It is generally used to divide up responsibility for possession of bitcoins.

A multisignature address is an address that is associated with more than one private key. The simplest type is an m-of-n address - it is associated with n private keys, and sending bitcoins from this address requires signatures from at least m keys. A multisignature transaction is one that sends funds from a multisignature address.


Multisignature transactions with Trezor

It is possible to use multisignature transactions with your Trezor device and Electrum, however it is not yet implemented in Trezor Suite.


Multisignature DEMO using Trezor and Electrum starts at 2:42:57 


Check out this blog to learn more about using multisignature transations with Trezor: "Multi-signature hardware wallets with Electrum"
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